Serena Borroni
Serena Borroni

Serena Borroni is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and specialist in clinical psychology. In addition to her academic activity, she carries out diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders at IRCCS San Raffele Turro Hospital. She considers curiosity and interest toward others to be the fundamental elements of her profession both in the university and clinical fields. She is passionate about cinema, good food and she loves spending her free time with her friends and family.


Urgency, gratification, tension: the emotions of Black Friday

Culture and society

Urgency, gratification, tension: the emotions of Black Friday

Black Friday originated in America to denote the Friday following Thanksgiving, and for the past few years it has caught on in Italy as well. On this day, stores, chains and e-commerce offer large discounts with the aim of encouraging purchases, especially in view of the Christmas season. However,...

23 Nov, 2023 0 Comments

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