Student Life

Culture and society, Student Life

Foods from around the world: curiosities of ethnic flavours

Jessica Falcone 8 Oct, 2024 0 Commenti

Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Indian, Korean, Mexican… Ethnic cuisine is now very widespread and is also making its way into Italian eating habits. Curiosity about the gastronomic and nutritional traditions of other peoples has grown a lot in recent years both due to a greater propensity to travel...

Student Life

Foods That Improve Memory and Concentration

Jessica Falcone 24 May, 2024 0 Commenti

Everyone has experienced moments during the day when it becomes difficult to focus on what they are doing. Whether it's in the run-up to a university exam or amid numerous commitments, the feeling of not remembering anything, forgetting a word that's "on the tip of your tongue", an important date,...

Student Life

Healthy eating after the holidays

Jessica Falcone 15 Dec, 2021 0 Commenti

The holiday table gives food its important social value, but traditional dishes are often rich in refined carbohydrates, fats, sodium and sugars, nutrients that, in excessive quantities, can overload our body.How to get back in shape and recover from holiday eating without feeling guilty?

Student Life

Diabetes in young adults: how to recognize and face it

Alessandra Petrelli 12 Nov, 2021 0 Commenti

World Diabetes Day is celebrated annually on November 14, in memory of the birth of Canadian physiologist Frederick Banting, one of the discoverers of insulin (1921).

Student Life

Have a good sleep before an exam: why is it important?

Luigi Ferini Strambi 3 Sep, 2021 0 Commenti

Exam sessions, exercises, deliveries, deadlines... the daily commitments of a student often prevent a peaceful rest. Why is it important to sleep adequately in the days before an important exam?

Student Life

Study and sport: the beneficial effects of physical activity

Various authors 23 Jul, 2021 0 Commenti

Notoriously, during adolescence the time devoted to sport decreases, with higher rates of inactivity among university students. Practicing physical activity, on the other hand, generates numerous beneficial effects, on a motor, cognitive and relational level.

Student Life

UniSR Green: our University's environmental commitment

UniSR Communication Team 7 Jun, 2021 0 Commenti

On June 5Tth each year, the "World Environment Day" is celebrated. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, it was celebrated for the first time two years later with the slogan "Only One Earth". The purpose of the day is to encourage everyone to become more aware and to take...

Student Life

Slowing down the pace: the advantages of “slow” learning

Valentina Tobia 10 May, 2021 0 Commenti

Students often feel “overwhelmed” by the amount of material to study: at that point, being quick in reading and memorizing everything is perceived as a priority. On the other hand, those who need more time to elaborate concepts might feel inadequate and unable to respect the fast times of today’s...

Student Life

Effects of tea and coffee on students’ brain and health

Stefano Erzegovesi 15 Feb, 2021 0 Commenti

Hello guys, I’m your brain.

Given the exam period, with intense study sessions by day and by night, I would like to tell you my opinion on the use of doping substances (supplements, or worse, drugs) in the preparation time.

If you’re about to say “come on, they only help us stay awake and...

Student Life

Original language vs. dubbed movies: effects on our brain

Jubin Abutalebi 5 Feb, 2021 0 Commenti

Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max… the future of audiovisual content gets (and will increasingly get) through streaming platforms. However, the on-demand streaming audience can be divided into two factions: most faithful of the original language movies vs. those who do not look down on dubbing ...

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