Various authors
Various authors


Vitiligo: causes, treatments and importance of emotional support

Culture and society

Vitiligo: causes, treatments and importance of emotional support

Every 25 June, since 2011, World Vitiligo Day has been celebrated in Italy and around the world. It is an important opportunity to raise awareness about an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people and can have profound physical and emotional implications.

25 Jun, 2024 0 Comments
Albinism Awareness day, against superstition and discrimination

Culture and society

Albinism Awareness day, against superstition and discrimination

Albinism (from the Latin albus, "white") is a genetic condition that results in a reduction or absence of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes. This condition is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa: in Tanzania around 1 in 1,400 people are being affected, and prevalence is as high as 1 in 1,000 in...

13 Jun, 2024 0 Comments
For a responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents


For a responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents

The World Health Organisation annually celebrates a world awareness week (“World Antimicrobial Awareness Week”) aimed at promoting correct and responsible use of antimicrobials and at increasing awareness of antimicrobial resistance.

12 Oct, 2023 0 Comments
The alterations of the chromatic sense


The alterations of the chromatic sense

Color blindness is a visual condition characterized by the lack of vision of some colors: it is estimated that around 300 million people are affected by color blindness in the world (almost as much as the entire population of the United States!). The condition was named after the English chemist ...

12 Jan, 2022 0 Comments
Around Christmas time, is everyone truly better?

Culture and society

Around Christmas time, is everyone truly better?

Around Christmas everyone is better. Or, at least, we should try to be good and better—much as the famous character of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol—Ebenezer Scrooge—who suddenly changes his customs from those of a miserly man into a prodigious benefactor.

26 Nov, 2021 0 Comments
Smiles behind the masks

Culture and society

Smiles behind the masks

On the occasion of Wolrd Smile Day, it is interesting to think about the relevance of smiling - and, more generally, of the manifestation of emotional states - in interpersonal relationships, especially in these times that see part of the emotional expressions covered by masks. Says Dr. Sarah...

1 Oct, 2021 0 Comments
The role of the physiotherapist: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Culture and society

The role of the physiotherapist: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Every year on September 8, the World Day of Physiotherapy is celebrated, established in 1996 on the initiative of the WCPT (World Confederation for Physical therapy). The aim of the day is to enhance the work that physiotherapists carry out, for patients and the whole community, as well as to raise...

8 Sep, 2021 0 Comments
Study and sport: the beneficial effects of physical activity

Student Life

Study and sport: the beneficial effects of physical activity

Notoriously, during adolescence the time devoted to sport decreases, with higher rates of inactivity among university students. Practicing physical activity, on the other hand, generates numerous beneficial effects, on a motor, cognitive and relational level.

23 Jul, 2021 0 Comments
Alpha, Beta, Gamma: Coronavirus variants have new names


Alpha, Beta, Gamma: Coronavirus variants have new names

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that variants of SARS-CoV-2 will have a new nomenclature.Until now, in common parlance, variant names had been associated with the countries in which they were initially detected: an understandable attitude, in a moment when new data are continually...

4 Jun, 2021 0 Comments
Fighting against HIV: are we well underway?


Fighting against HIV: are we well underway?

World AIDS Day is celebrated every December 1st. The choice of this day was established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the occasion of the World Summit of Health Ministers on AIDS prevention programs, and was then adopted by governments, international organizations and...

21 May, 2021 0 Comments

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