Luigi Ferini Strambi
Luigi Ferini Strambi

Luigi Ferini Strambi is Full Professor of Neurology at UniSR, where he directs the Sleep Medicine Center. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in international journals. He is former President of the World Association of Sleep Medicine. He worked in the United States, first at the Texas Medical Center at the University of Houston and then at the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, Palo Alto, California. He is passionate about modern art, he loves dogs (in particular his young lagotto romagnolo); his main hobby is fishing.


Have a good sleep before an exam: why is it important?

Student Life

Have a good sleep before an exam: why is it important?

Exam sessions, exercises, deliveries, deadlines... the daily commitments of a student often prevent a peaceful rest. Why is it important to sleep adequately in the days before an important exam?

3 Sep, 2021 0 Comments

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