Roberto Teggi
Roberto Teggi

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery and ENT Specialist; his clinical and research activity is dedicated to inner ear pathologies such as vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. He obtained the national qualification for full-time professor. He works as an adjunct professor in the faculty of physiotherapy and for the specialization schools of otolaryngology and neurology. Member of the Barany Society and of the Dizzynet (European Society of Vestibology), he is a director of the Italian Society of Vestibology.


Summer on the move: how to deal with motion sickness


Summer on the move: how to deal with motion sickness

Summer, vacation time and for many even departure time.

Cars, ships, trains, airplanes… in some subjects, journeys on means of transport are a serious problem due to the “motion sickness”. What does it depend on? What are its symptoms? How can it be treated? We talked about it with Dr....

27 Jul, 2021 0 Comments

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