Thanks to the contribution of the various team members, the UniSR Marketing and Communications Service deals with the multiple communication areas of the University: news scouting, creation of news, audio and video, event organization, website management and institutional social media, drafting and publication of newsletters, support for institutional relations. The Service interacts with all the main stakeholders (students, teachers, technical and administrative staff, research community, territory) in order to support and potential communication (internal and external) of the initiatives related to teaching, research and public engagement.
Student Life
On June 5Tth each year, the "World Environment Day" is celebrated. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, it was celebrated for the first time two years later with the slogan "Only One Earth". The purpose of the day is to encourage everyone to become more aware and to take...
The voice: communication tool par excellence, crucial in human relationships, artistic expression and an integral part of every culture in the world. World Voice Day (inaugurated in Brazil in 1999) is today celebrated annually on April 16 with the aim of raising public awareness of the...
Culture and society
Some time ago, the moving video of Marta C. González, former prima ballerina of the New York City Ballet went viral, who, notwithstanding having Alzheimer, remembered perfectly well the choreography of The Death of the Swan by Čajkovskij danced many years before.
Student Life
In the Western world, the end of December is the time for Christmas holidays and the beginning of a new year.
However, this is not the case everywhere: San Raffaele University’s international students can tell you, as they come from many foreign nations around the world.
SARS-CoV-2 is a virus transmitted by respiratory secretions (cough, sneezing, saliva droplets…). To avoid contagion, some rules are essential, such as maintaining a safety distance of at least 1 meter (better 2), avoiding crowded places, washing our hands often with soap and water or...
Curiosiscience, Student Life
Hi guys, I’m your brain and I’m back to telling you something about me. The summer exam session is squeezing you for the final rush and, in this heat, I need some help to work the best.
The artificial intelligence project was born from a partnership with UniSR as leader and the collaboration of Microsoft and Nvidia. It will allow to distinguish, already in the early stages of the disease, the patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 who will develop the most serious form of the...
In recent days at the San Raffaele Research Hospital, a neurosurgical intervention, removal of a brain tumor, with the use of a robotiscope, a digitally controlled robotic device with three-dimensional visualization, was successfully performed for the first time in the world. The operation was...
That light affects mood is not new, but that it can have a decisive positive impact in the treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders is extraordinary, especially considering the very solid scientific foundations on which this assumption is based.
“Coronavirus” is a large family of viruses known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more serious illness such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
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