Culture and society (2)

Culture and society

High-protein foods: current "trend" or health benefit?

Jessica Falcone 31 Oct, 2023 0 Commenti

Bars, yogurt, cookies, but also pasta, dairy products, drinks: for quite some time our shelves have been almost invaded by industrial foods that claim to be "high in protein."

Culture and society

Breast cancer: the importance of prevention

UniSR Communication Team 10 Oct, 2023 0 Commenti

October is "Pink Month", the month that the WHO has designated to raise awareness among citizens of the importance of breast cancer prevention. Breast cancer is in fact the most frequent neoplasm in women in any age group and is the leading cause of death from cancer in women. The WHO estimates...

Culture and society

Seasonal hair loss: what causes it and treatments to help

Franco Rongioletti 10 Oct, 2023 0 Commenti

Throughout history, hair has played a significant role in our society: it has been associated with youth and beauty in women and with virility and masculinity in men. It is therefore not surprising that hair loss can be experienced as a tragedy and an illness by many men and women.

Culture and society

Preventing cardiovascular diseases

UniSR Communication Team 27 Sep, 2023 0 Commenti

World Heart day is witnessed every year on 29th September with the aim of informing and raising awareness of the importance of cardiovascular diseases prevention.

Culture and society

Disinformation at the table: gluten and celiac disease

Jessica Falcone 27 Jul, 2023 0 Commenti

Is it true that eliminating gluten makes you lose weight? What are the "good"and "bad" foods for your health? Is it true that reducing total calories is enough to lose weight and stay healthy?

These are just some of the questions that arise from the circulation of false beliefs in the food field....

Culture and society

Disinformation at the table: the most common myths

Jessica Falcone 27 Jul, 2023 0 Commenti

Is it true that eliminating gluten makes you lose weight? What are the "good"and "bad" foods for your health? Is it true that reducing total calories is enough to lose weight and stay healthy?

These are just some of the questions that arise from the circulation of false beliefs in the food field....

Culture and society

Around Christmas time, is everyone truly better?

Various authors 26 Nov, 2021 0 Commenti

Around Christmas everyone is better. Or, at least, we should try to be good and better—much as the famous character of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol—Ebenezer Scrooge—who suddenly changes his customs from those of a miserly man into a prodigious benefactor.

Culture and society

The Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for complex physical systems

Samuel Zambrano 12 Oct, 2021 0 Commenti

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was recently awarded to Giorgio Parisi, theoretical physicist at the Sapienza University of Rome and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Infn) and vice president of the Accademia dei Lincei. Parisi splits the award in half with Syukuro Manabe and Klaus...

Culture and society

Smiles behind the masks

Various authors 1 Oct, 2021 0 Commenti

On the occasion of Wolrd Smile Day, it is interesting to think about the relevance of smiling - and, more generally, of the manifestation of emotional states - in interpersonal relationships, especially in these times that see part of the emotional expressions covered by masks. Says Dr. Sarah...

Culture and society

The role of the physiotherapist: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Various authors 8 Sep, 2021 0 Commenti

Every year on September 8, the World Day of Physiotherapy is celebrated, established in 1996 on the initiative of the WCPT (World Confederation for Physical therapy). The aim of the day is to enhance the work that physiotherapists carry out, for patients and the whole community, as well as to raise...

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