Culture and society (4)

Culture and society

Pandemic Fatigue: the exhaustion of living with Covid-19

Various authors 23 Nov, 2020 0 Commenti

With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization and the European Union have emphasized the importance of attention to psychological, social and communication issues for an effective fight against Covid-19.

Culture and society, Curiosiscience

The lies we believe: how the brain gets trapped in fake news

Matteo Motterlini 16 Nov, 2020 0 Commenti

The human mind has a natural tendency to be duped by false beliefs and seduced by conspiracy theories. Social media has amplified this phenomenon.

Culture and society, Curiosiscience

Alzheimer’s and memories: the precious role of music

Eufemia Serena Putortì 12 Nov, 2020 0 Commenti

A moving video is viral these days: an elderly lady with Alzheimer’s wearing a pair of headphones. She is listening to the music of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, and after a few moments a magic seems to sparkle: even from her wheelchair, she suddenly reproduces, with decision and feeling, the movements...

Culture and society

USA 2020, Joe Biden wins: possible future scenarios

Maria Russo 9 Nov, 2020 0 Commenti

The heads-up battle between Joe Biden and outgoing President Donald Trump has finally come to an end. The endless counting of the American elections, during which despite the pandemic in progress there was a record turnout, decreed a clear, albeit not so clear winner.

Culture and society

The “female” Nobel Prize: a step to bridge the gender gap?

Various authors 5 Nov, 2020 0 Commenti

“I wish that this will provide a positive message specifically for young girls who would like to follow the path of science... and to show them that women in science can also have an impact with the research they are performing”.

Culture and society

Armine's unconventional beauty

Andrea Tagliapietra 30 Oct, 2020 0 Commenti

Armine Harutyunyan is a 23-years-old of Armenian nationality. She is one of the most clicked names on the web, who became famous for being chosen as the “face” of Gucci.

Culture and society, Student Life

Why do we often forget the name of people we have just met?

Jubin Abutalebi 22 Oct, 2020 0 Commenti

To whom has it never happened to be introduced to someone new, and thus, to listen to the name of the person you have just known, and forget it almost instantly?

Culture and society

The psychological reactions induced by social isolation

Valentina Di Mattei 3 Oct, 2020 0 Commenti

The prolongation of the quarantine, essential for the protection of everyone’s health, poses numerous challenges from a psychological point of view. We find ourselves forced to give up the daily routine and live apart, just when danger and uncertainty forcefully activate the need for the...

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